Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What's the deal with that?

I have to admit something. I like Starbucks coffee. Just some straight up bold blend coffee, not the half-caf low-fat double mocha frappaccino on ice with whipped cream type, more of a tweener. I can sit on my throne and judge those fools who spend all that money and order those crazy drinks, because I am not that guy, but I also am not the guy who can just laugh at anyone who walks into these places. I'm a tweener.

But can someone tell me who is the guy that is by himself at night hanging out in there with no coffee and just his laptop? The only other car outside was a Mercedes so I assume he can afford his own wireless connection (we use our neighbor's, oh by the way, thanks neighbor). So, I'm sitting there with my little girl as we are waiting on her hot chocolate and Gina's heavy breve cappucino with four shots of sugar free vanilla and I was just wondering what he was doing there. Not drinking coffee, obviously. Or, who knows, maybe he slammed four espressos and is worried about getting behind the wheel and waiting to come off his high, but it just seems odd.

I could almost understand if it were one of those Starbucks connected to a book store. At least there is a lot of foot traffic, so he either a) has opportunities to meet ladies or b) gets cred from other patrons as a sophisticated book reader, or a sophisticated coffee orderer (although, remember, this guy didn't have any coffee). Of course, maybe he is a fan of Gina's (and now, partially, my) blog and needs the espressos to keep himself awake as he eagerly keeps hitting refresh waiting for our next post since we are so bad about posting regularly. Well, if so, congratulations dude. Go home.

As always, thanks for reading ~ Mark

p.s. I was just kidding about stealing our neighbors wifi connection (usually).