Monday, January 28, 2008
My Clients!!
I made it through the busy season...hence the lack of blogging. I have to apologize for that. I over extended myself AGAIN...which I vow to not do the next year; however, somehow I just can't help it. When you are doing what you love, the word 'no' doesn't exist in your vocabulary. I have to thank all of my wonderful clients for be such a complete pleasure to work with this past year. I hope everyone received the small gift card I sent in the mail, and I hope you all know how much I appreciate you. I am still technically working 'part time' since I have Sydney at home with me; however, she will be in Kindergarten his fall which means I will have more time to devote to you all. I will be doing some fun things this year, and running some specials, so please stay tuned! :)