Friday, November 16, 2007


Here are some of my favorites of Riley. I have watched her grow up, and it is so neat when you can still recognize the baby in them. It is even more cool when they start to remember me, as she did. I least she acted like she did. :)

Chase and Play

How do you get a two year old to stop and smile at the camera...well, you don't. All you can do is chase them and play with them. Peek-a-boo was Mitchell's favorite game, and we got some GREAT shots.

All baby sister could do was sit and smile! LOVE IT!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Older girls are so cooperative when you photograph them. If you want them to smile, they smile, if you want them to be serious, they are.
Older boys, on the other hand, have to be "cool" ALL the time. You ask for a smile and you get a teensy tiny grin.

 ask them about their girlfriend and you get this, and much much more! :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


When you have siblings that are very close in age, it makes it a little difficult for both to cooperate at the same time. However, Jack and Charlie were great at it, for a little while anyway. Charlie has changed so much from his newborn session, and Jack looks like he has grown a year in just a few months. It goes by fast!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007