Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here is the sweet side of Ainsley, lovin on her baby brother. This is one of my favorites from their session. Don't worry, the baby's head isn't getting crushed! :)


What a cutie....she was just dancing around the studio and she gave me these shots! Not shy at all, and she even serenaded me with "My Country Tis of Thee."

Halloween Party

It's been a while since I've posted...sorry. Here is a pic of us Saturday night for a Halloween party. Mark wanted to go as Hugh Hefner (sp?), but I wasn't about to go as a bunny and have my booty hanging out those short little dresses. So I went as a pirate, dressed up like a bunny, and of course Mark then had to pirate up as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


What a perfect little baby. This was our first session together and I wore him out! :) I love the eyelashes on this 3 month old....even with makeup I still don't have eyelashes like that.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Brother & Sis

These shots were some of my favs from this session. These two are 4 years and 2 years and it was like working with adults. Unbelievable. They both did anything I asked of them...it was wonderful.

Home Page Baby

This is my home page baby, "Sprung a Leak" image. He has grown so much and grown so much blonde hair. He is ADORABLE!

Little Molly

What a sweety...at the age of 1, she was just
posing away.


What an expression....my favorite of her!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Beautiful Hair!

You may think I'm going to be talking about girls with that title, but nope....these boys have THE BEST HAIR! I so wish my son had curls like that, not to mention my daughter. These boys were so much fun...I ended up taking WAY more images than we needed, but I just couldn't help myself.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We ended the session on this note:

"Can I hit her please?"

Ohhhhh, Siblings!

What a trip these two are. I've watched them grow up...litterally, and I love it. I think this is the 6th or 7th time I've photographed someone in the family. This was Carson's 3 year old session, and baby sister came along for the ride. I captured this moment of them together that was quickly over with a takedown to the ground.