Friday, November 16, 2007


Here are some of my favorites of Riley. I have watched her grow up, and it is so neat when you can still recognize the baby in them. It is even more cool when they start to remember me, as she did. I least she acted like she did. :)

Chase and Play

How do you get a two year old to stop and smile at the camera...well, you don't. All you can do is chase them and play with them. Peek-a-boo was Mitchell's favorite game, and we got some GREAT shots.

All baby sister could do was sit and smile! LOVE IT!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Older girls are so cooperative when you photograph them. If you want them to smile, they smile, if you want them to be serious, they are.
Older boys, on the other hand, have to be "cool" ALL the time. You ask for a smile and you get a teensy tiny grin.

 ask them about their girlfriend and you get this, and much much more! :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


When you have siblings that are very close in age, it makes it a little difficult for both to cooperate at the same time. However, Jack and Charlie were great at it, for a little while anyway. Charlie has changed so much from his newborn session, and Jack looks like he has grown a year in just a few months. It goes by fast!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here is the sweet side of Ainsley, lovin on her baby brother. This is one of my favorites from their session. Don't worry, the baby's head isn't getting crushed! :)


What a cutie....she was just dancing around the studio and she gave me these shots! Not shy at all, and she even serenaded me with "My Country Tis of Thee."

Halloween Party

It's been a while since I've posted...sorry. Here is a pic of us Saturday night for a Halloween party. Mark wanted to go as Hugh Hefner (sp?), but I wasn't about to go as a bunny and have my booty hanging out those short little dresses. So I went as a pirate, dressed up like a bunny, and of course Mark then had to pirate up as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


What a perfect little baby. This was our first session together and I wore him out! :) I love the eyelashes on this 3 month old....even with makeup I still don't have eyelashes like that.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Brother & Sis

These shots were some of my favs from this session. These two are 4 years and 2 years and it was like working with adults. Unbelievable. They both did anything I asked of was wonderful.

Home Page Baby

This is my home page baby, "Sprung a Leak" image. He has grown so much and grown so much blonde hair. He is ADORABLE!

Little Molly

What a the age of 1, she was just
posing away.


What an favorite of her!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Beautiful Hair!

You may think I'm going to be talking about girls with that title, but nope....these boys have THE BEST HAIR! I so wish my son had curls like that, not to mention my daughter. These boys were so much fun...I ended up taking WAY more images than we needed, but I just couldn't help myself.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We ended the session on this note:

"Can I hit her please?"

Ohhhhh, Siblings!

What a trip these two are. I've watched them grow up...litterally, and I love it. I think this is the 6th or 7th time I've photographed someone in the family. This was Carson's 3 year old session, and baby sister came along for the ride. I captured this moment of them together that was quickly over with a takedown to the ground.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Center of Attention

I loved loved loved this session. Last time I photographed this little girl she was 2 and ran from me alot. Now, at the age of 4, she was modeling for me like no other 4 year old has. She has a little brother now, and he is as cute as she is. Although, he didn't sit still much during this session. I got my workout in for the day! :)

4 years
2 years


Here is Claire and baby Kate. Oh, what I wouldn't give for eyelashes like those. This is the first time I've photographed Kate, but not Claire. She is 4 now and full of personality. She was so playful and playing to the camera like she has been doing it her whole life. It was a blast!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Gig'EM Aggies

We took the kids to A&M along with their cousins and my stepbrother. He is 16, so I am trying to push the greatness of Aggieland on him! The kids are easy to convince, right now at least. Here are a few pics from the trip. By the way..the Ags won 54-14..WHOOP!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sydney's Birthday

Sydney turned 4 this summer, and she gave me my absolute favorite photo of her so far. She was blowing me a kiss and I captured this! I LOVE MY JOB!!!!

Six Flags

Took the kids to Six Flags with my mom, my sister and her kids. Besides the extreme heat, it was a lot of fun. I learned my son is a dare devil, 6 years old and not afraid to ride anything. I was afraid of half the stuff he wanted to ride. Here are my kids with their cousin at Six Flags. You can tell these kids get their pictures taken all the time. I don't even have to tell them what to do anymore. :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Baby Will

I finally get to meet Will. I have photographed his older sister a few times and couldn't wait to meet him. He was perfect! He is the reason I LOVE what I do. He was happy the entire time and made it so easy to capture images like these. You can't help but to be in a good mood when you are around babies like this.

Lucky Wedding 7/7/07

My July Wedding was an absolute blast. I set off to Waco with Mark who was carrying a new new Nikon 70-200 zoom lens!! We got some great shots and had a nice little weekend away from the kids. Here is a sample wedding album page I put together for the bride. She was BEAUTIFUL!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Birthday Time

It's was Kade's birthday in June, and this cutie made it easy to get great shots. He was happy the entire time and getting smiles was not hard at all. Big sis came along too and I took this shot of her on the porch. Look at those eyes!!!

Dance Team

I had the opportunity to photograph dance teams for Motion Center for Dance in Plano (thanks to Rhonda France for referring me). I've never photographed dance team images before, but thanks to Mandi & Luke's (Artistic Directors) help, I was able to capture some really fun images. Attached is a collage I put together for Lauren which I had a blast creating. Of course, my daughter Sydney now attends Motion Center for Dance, and I can't WAIT until I can dress her up in all those costumes. Neither can she. I'm creating a monster...I know.


Hey everyone...I'm finally getting with the times. I have my new blog. Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, or how I will even find the time to keep up with it, but I'm sure going to try. I guess I will start with my summer experiences. I started off the summer the first week of June with a vacation. I took my kids to my girlfriends (Joy) in Bainbridge, GA. She is also a photographer and we had a blast. She lives on 20 acres and has about 10 horses. To create this shot, I was running through the field dropping apples as the horses were chasing me. Little dangerous, but hey, we got the shot.